Kralendijk,- Djasabra 21 di sèptèmber 2024, Selibon N.V. huntu ku Fundashon Bonaire Limpi Bunita, ta organisá e evento yamá “World Clean Up Day”.
Durante di e evento aki, Selibon N.V. kier bai kolekta mas tantu e asina yamá “zwerfvuil” ku ta posibel riba e fecha menshoná.
Nos mishon ta pa konsientisá e pueblo Boneriano riba e problema di “zwerfvuil ” ku tin riba nos isla i ku no ta solamente esaki ta responsabilidat di Selibon pa tene nos Isla limpi, pero tambe ta responsabilidat di kada un di nos ku ta biba aki na Boneiru.
E aña aki nos lo konsentrá den barionan di Boneiru manera, Tera Korá, Nort Saliña, Hato, Nikiboko, Rincon, Playa, Antriol i Tras di Montaña.
“Zwerfafval òf zwerfvuil” ta shushi ku di forma konsiente òf inkonsiente ku ta keda bentá den nos medio ambiente, kaya públiko, bichnan, mondi etc. “Zwerfafval” por konsistí di bleki, saku di plèstik, papel i tur otro artefakto ku hende ta dùmp den nos naturalesa.
Esaki ta un problema hopi grandi riba Boneiru i pa e motibu aki, Selibon kier pone énfasis riba e dia di akshon pa konsientisá e komunidat di Boneiru.
Bo por hasi uso di nos “puinbak” nan ku ta bai keda poné na diferente sitio den barionan i tambe por entrega sushinan na grátis na Landfill. Pues abo komo boluntario, ban yuda nos komunidat pa tene nos isla mas limpi i mas salú , Tambe ta posibel, ku si tin algun partisipante ku tin nan propio pikòp, por usa esaki pa hinka e saku di shushinan aden i pa despues depositá esakinan grátis na Landfill.
Lo pisa tur e “zwerfvuil” ku ta keda kolektá pa asina nos por haña un bista di kuantu shushi nos a kita for di nos medio ambiente.
Kralendijk,- On Saturday September 21, 2024, Selibon N.V. together with Fundashon Bonaire Limpi i Bunita, we will
organize an event called “World Clean Up Day”. During this event, Selibon N.V. would like to collect as
much litter as possible during the above-mentioned date.
Our mission is to make the residents of Bonaire aware of the problem of litter that we have on our
island and that not only is it the duty of Selibon to keep our island clean but also the duty of each one of
us that resides on Bonaire. This year we will concentrate in the following neighbourhoods like Tera Korá,
Nort Saliña, Hato, Nikiboko, Rincon, Playa, Antriol i Tras di Montaña.
Litter is waste that is thrown out either consciously or unconsciously in our environment, public streets,
beaches, forest etc. Litter consists of tin cans, plastic bags, papers, plastic bottles and all other artifacts
that people throw out in our nature. This is a big problem on Bonaire and for this reason Selibon would
like to emphasize on this day of the event to make the residents of Bonaire aware of this problem.
You can make use of our rubble containers that will be placed on different places in our neighbourhoods
and waste will be accepted for free at Landfill.
So, you as a volunteer, let’s help our community in trying to keep our island as clean and healthy as
It is also possible, that if some participants have their own pickup truck, could use this to put litter in
waste bags and transport them to Landfill for free. At Landfill all collected litter will be weighed, so we
can have an idea later how much litter collected from our environment.

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