Kralendijk, – ACE Foundation ta presentá ku gran orguyo un obra teatral musikal nobo titulá “ACE-WOOD”. “ACE WOOD: A Step Closer to Hollywood” ta un proyekto ku a kuminsá aña pasa ku muchanan di 10 pa 13 aña i ta kulmina ku un obra teatral musikal emoshonante ku lo keda presentá dia 4 i 5 di Juli den e sala grandi di Jong Bonaire. E proyekto akí a keda finansiá pa OLB i Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied. Durante di teater musikal “ACE-WOOD”, públiko lo tin e oportunidat pa gosa di un historia ku ta ilustrá e trayekto ku e hobennan a kana pa krese i tiki tiki realisá nan soño pa bira un artista. E show lo resaltá e aspekto kultural di Boneiru, inkluso nos pasado di sklabitut i e futuro briante ku nos hobennan ta spera. “ACE-WOOD” ta un paseo den tempu ku lo lagae publiko kòrda, pensa, reflekshoná, i tambe wordu konsientisá riba diferente aspekto di bida.

E ta un obra teatral musikal pa hinter famia. Grandi i chiki lo por disfruta di etremendo show aki. E show lo ta un ‘fundraising’ tambe: E presentashon aki ta sirbi tambe komo un ‘fundraising’ pa ACE Tweens por biaha pa Aruba i partisipá den un interkambio kultural ku e hobennan di Gang di Arte Aruba. Na Aruba nan lo bai partisipa den un tayerr ku yama Gang di arte Dream Dare Do kaminda nos hobennan lo bai partisipa den diferente tayer huntu ku hobennan di Aruba i despues nan lo bai kompeti huntu. Lo bai forma gruponan ku lo konsisti di hobennan di Aruba i Boneiru huntu. Lidernan di ACE Tweens Club tambe lo bai duna tayer na e muchanan di Aruba.

Ensayo Intensivo: E dianan akí tin ensayonan intensivo ta tumando luga bou di guia di: Zoë Bernardina, Damari Alonzo i Bertie Komproe. E parti musikal di e show ta na enkargo di Xechell ‘Bauco’Jacobs. Pa mas informashon, sigui nos riba nos página di Facebook, Instagram i TikTok di ACE Foundation Bonaire. Tur siman lo bo por mira un update kon e preparashonnan ta kana. Nos ta invitá hinter komunidat pa bin disfrutá di un show ku no solamente ta entretené, pero tambe ta duna un bunita mensahe di speransa i orguyo pa nos kultura i komunidat. Si bo ke kuminsa reserva bo karchi manda un whatsapp na 790-0155
Kralendijk, – the ACE Foundation proudly presents a new musical play titled “ACE-WOOD”. “ACE-WOOD: A Step Closer to Hollywood” is a project that started last year with children aged 10 to 13, culminating in an beautifull musical theater performance to be presented on July 4 and 5 at the main hall of Jong Bonaire. This project is financed by the OLB and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied. During the musical theater “ACE-WOOD”, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy a story that illustrates the journey these children have taken to grow and realize their dreams of becoming artists. The show will highlight the cultural aspects of Bonaire, including our history of slavery and the bright future our children hope for. “ACE-WOOD” is a journey through time that will make the audience remember, think, reflect, and also become aware of different aspects of life. It is a musical theater play for the whole family. Both adults and children will enjoy this tremendous show.
The show is also a fundraising event:
This presentation also serves as a fundraiser for ACE Tweens to travel to Aruba and participate in a cultural exchange with the children of Gang di Arte Aruba. In Aruba, they will participate in a workshop called Gang di Arte Dream Dare Do, where our children will engage in various workshops with children from Aruba, and then they will compete together. They will form groups consisting of children from Aruba and Bonaire.
Leaders of the ACE Tweens Club will also give workshops to the children in Aruba. Intensive Rehearsals: The upcoming days’ intensive rehearsals are being guided by: Zoë Bernardina, Damari Alonzo, and Bertie Komproe.
The musical part of the show is under the direction of Xechell ‘Bauco’ Jacobs. For more information, follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok pages of ACE Foundation Bonaire. Every week, you will see an update on how the preparations are going. We invite the community to come and enjoy a show that is not only entertaining but also delivers a beautiful message of hope and pride in our culture and community. If you wish to reserve your seat, send a WhatsApp message to 790-0155.

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