Kralendijk,- STINAPA ta kontentu pa anunsiá nombramentu di Sjon van Essen na posishon di Direktor Interino. Sjon ta un lider di hende ku hopi eksperensia, su spesialidat ta inkluí desaroyá kapasidat i efektividat di organisashon.
Den koordinashon estrecho ku Direktiva, Sjon ta guiando STINAPA aktualmente den un proseso di re-konsientisashon, ku nos ta spera ta dura te prinsipio di 2025. Durante su trabou anterior ku STINAPA relashoná ku e kontrakt di CAO nobo, i tambe tareanan di coaching di liderazgo, Sjon a gana konfiansa di tur miembro di Direktiva i ekipo di liderazgo di STINAPA. Por fabor kompañá nos den duna Sjon un bonbiní na STINAPA!
Direktiva di STINAPA tambe ke ekspresá su gratitut sinsero na Kalli De Meyer, kende a funshoná komo Direktor di Konservashon di STINAPA durante e último aña bou di un kontrakt di un aña ku responsabilidat pa e parkenan, enfokando riba konstrukshon di relashon fuerte ku partido eksterno i internamente riba fortifiká personal den servisio. Ku e base di un fundeshi fuerte presente, e trabou importante akí lo kontinuá.
Aktualmente Direktiva di STINAPA ke ekspresá su gratitut profundo pa e kontribushonnan i liderazgo ekselente ku Kalli a demostrá durante e último aña, i pa deseá Sjon tur sorto di éksito den su funshon nobo.
Kralendijk,- STINAPA is pleased to announce the appointment of Sjon van Essen to the position of Interim Director. Sjon is a highly regarded, deeply experienced people leader whose expertise includes building organizational capability and effectiveness for organizations.
In close coordination with the Board, Sjon is currently leading STINAPA through a reimagining process (herbezinning), expected to run into early 2025. During his prior work with STINAPA on the new CAO agreement, as well as additional leadership coaching assignments, Sjon has earned the trust of the entire STINAPA board and leadership team. Please join us in welcoming Sjon to STINAPA!
The Board of STINAPA would also like to express sincere thanks to Kalli De Meyer, who served as STINAPA’s Conservation Director for the past year under a one-year contract with responsibility for parks, focusing on building strong relationships with external parties and internally on strengthening staffing. With a strong foundation in place this important work will proceed.
At this time the Board of STINAPA wishes to express its deep gratitude for the outstanding contributions and leadership demonstrated by Kalli over the past year, and to wish Sjon all the best in his new role.

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